How did Amazon become so popular, and how did Jeff Bezos become a billionaire?

                 Jeff Bezos is one of the world's wealthiest men and the founder of one of the market's most successful businesses. However, not everyone can become an overnight sensation and remain at the top for an extended period of time, and this requires a combination of talent and hard work. Jeff Bezos is an example of how a novel idea can propel a company to the top. The story begins in 1994, when Jeff Bezos saw the rise of the internet and decided to start a business in the same field, leaving his corporate job to do so. 

His idea was to start an online bookstore because at the time, people had to physically go to libraries and not all of the books found were expected to be available for readers. When he first started the company, it did well and was well-received by the users. He then listed his company on the stock exchange in order to attract more investors and expand the business. Soon after the company's growth, he expanded the application's domain to include online games and music sales. As the company's user base grew, it made changes to adapt to new technologies and improve the user experience.

He then came up with the idea of acting as an intermediary and selling all kinds of products in the application.  If he had to manufacture a product, store it in a warehouse, and ship it to the customer based on their requirements, it would have been extremely difficult to implement due to the high costs of setup and maintenance, as well as with nil or worse profit margins. However, Jeff Bezos came up with the idea of acting as an intermediary between the seller and the customer, as the seller can use the platform to sell their products and Amazon does not have to bear the costs of maintenance, warehouse, and manufacturing, and this became a very successful model and became the main source of revenue for Amazon.

Amazon's other two novel ideas are currently at the top of their respective segments and have few competitors, making it the standout product in its field. One of the novel ideas is the AWS service. Jeff Bezos was dissatisfied with the storage system of another company and instead created his own. The storehouse was initially used for company purposes, but it was later commercialized, and top companies like Netflix and Hotstar use AWS to save their data. AWS is one of Amazon's most successful products, and the vast majority of businesses that deal with large amounts of data and regard data as a valuable asset use it.

    Another standout product is Amazon's Kindle. When he founded the company, Jeff Bezos' goal was to open an online book store, and in order to realize this dream, he decided to digitalize it and introduce the concept of the Kindle. To top it all off, Amazon announced a scheme in which no profit was made by selling the product, allowing it to be sold at lower and more affordable prices. Zero profit meant selling the product at its manufacturing cost, but there was a catch: the product would come at its cost, but the books read on the kindle had to be purchased, and that was how the kindle business model worked, and Amazon aced it.

As eCommerce and online shopping have grown in popularity, Amazon is currently at its peak and is used by almost everyone. No one could have predicted in 1994 that the world would be so digitized that one could place an order and have it delivered with a single click, but Jeff Bezos did, and he is now one of the world's wealthiest people. Lockdown was a major setback for other businesses, but it was a boon for Amazon because people wanted things delivered to their door without going out, which acted as a godsend for the company. Amazon is expanding into new markets, such as logistics, and is reportedly doing well in Canada. What are your thoughts on Amazon's future? And do you believe in dreaming big, taking risks, and working hard regardless of the outcome, or implementing tried-and-true market ideas with low risk?


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